Sunday, January 26, 2025

Making all things new

In this new year, I wanted to ponder the Scriptures that talk about new things. While the book of Ecclesiastes may mention "There is nothing new under the sun," the Bible's overarching theme is about renewal, as the Bible's finale is the promise of a new beginning with a new heaven, a new earth, and God making all things new. Here is a quick look at the main "new" things that are discussed in scripture: 

  • a new house is dedicated to God
  • with the new moon there would be feasts
  • new wine was a cause for rejoicing, and needed special handling
  • a new covenant, with a new heart and a new commandment
  • singing to the Lord a new song
  • a new heaven and a new earth
  • in which we are given a new name

Here is a word cloud of verses discussing "new": 

created at


Martin LaBar said...

Offering is prominent!

Weekend Fisher said...

Definitely. There are a lot of celebration words in there too.

Take care & God bless
Anne / WF