Sunday, February 02, 2025

How could a loving God ... ?

Today in Bible class someone was discussing a child who had died in a plane crash; those following current events this week will be familiar with it. While we may grieve less over the loss of someone who is old, the death of a child is always seen as a tragedy. And someone in class had been faced with the question, "How can God let that happen?" 

To be clear, the questioner was not directly affected by the loss of the unknown child, but was affected by the fact that we live in a broken world. I don't think we go wrong there to express confidence in God's goodness, in God's love. God raises the dead. 

When we speak to those directly affected: we mourn with those who mourn. When we speak to those not directly affected but who are troubled by the tragedy -- and when we too are naturally troubled by tragedy -- the time may come sooner to remember God's faithfulness to the world he made. 


Martin LaBar said...

Why is there evil in the world is always a difficult question to answer.

Weekend Fisher said...

I once heard a big-name podcaster banging on about why there couldn't be a god because of all the evil in the world, and he followed up by naming example after example of evil in the world. The examples he chose were 100% man-made evil. Made me think.

Take care & God bless
Anne / WF