Sunday, March 24, 2024

Thomas A Kempis 1.9 - Taking direction, advice, and counsel

It is a great thing to remain obedient, to live under authority, and not to be a law unto ourselves. It is much safer to be under authority than in a place of authority. Many are obedient more from necessity than from love; these find it painful, and complain easily. Nor will they gain freedom of mind unless with all their heart for the sake of God they submit themselves. If you run here or there to another place you will find no peace except in humble subjection to the rule of authority. Imagining other places and changes has disappointed many. 

True that everyone willingly acts according to his own feelings, and is inclined toward those who feel the same. But if Christ is among us, then it is necessary that we sometimes set aside our feelings for the sake of peace. Who is so wise that he can possibly know all things fully? So do not over-rely on your own sense of things, but be ready to hear sense from others too. If you have a good opinion but for the sake of God you let it go and follow another, you will gain more. 

I have often heard that it is safer to listen and receive counsel than to give it. It may happen that every opinion is good; but to refuse to acquiesce to others when reason or good cause requires it, is a mark of pride or stubbornness.

Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis, 1.9. 

Translation focused on contemporary English and preservation of rhetorical force and art


Sun and Shield said...

Safer, but harder.

Weekend Fisher said...

Thank you for the encouragement!

Take care & God bless
Anne / WF