Saturday, September 01, 2007

"Proclaiming Softly" blog will host Reconciliation Carnival #8

Proclaiming Softly will be hosting the September Christian Reconciliation Carnival, and will be accepting posts through September 9. The Carnival is expected up on the 15th. The topic of the month:
How have you experienced Christian worship and practice in another culture or country or denomination that expanded your view of God, worship, or how to live the Christian life? This might include how encountering a different practice led you to a new/different interpretation of some Bible verses. Did you see your own traditional ways with new eyes? Have you heard some Bible passages with new ears? Have you actually changed the way you live or work?

Mail here to submit posts on the topic of the month or anything related to Christian Reconciliation.

The September edition of the Christian Reconciliation Carnival will be hosted at Proclaiming Softly. Stay tuned here (and here) for the topic announcement within the next day or two, and look for a carnival around mid-September. And a huge Thank You to P.S. for hosting.

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