Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Laying the ground for the best of the next four years

As expected, the presidential race is not yet called. I could live with either major ticket winning far more easily than I can live with the dishonesty and hatred that have come to pervade the political scene. If we want the next four years to be ones that we can enjoy, it matters far less who is in the white house and far more how we treat each other, and whether we accept hatred and rage in public discourse. If we want a time when we can heal and grow and recover and prosper then I would encourage us all: Insist on civility, honesty, and kindness. And find out what the other side actually thinks. To be clear: I am not talking about what our own media outlets or politicians say the other side thinks; that tends to be a distorted caricature (if not worse). Find out what your side is saying about the other that they consider to be ludicrous, outrageous, or demonstrably false. What would it take to delegitimize hatred, dishonesty, and violence? That is our calling regardless of the outcome of the election. If we want a good next four years, it is no longer up to any administration that might be elected. It will take enough of the public to choose honesty and kindness -- not timidly but publicly, to stand firm against those who do not. 

1 comment:

  1. If I had to choose, "What would make the biggest difference: Making politician more well-rounded, honest and respectful, or making the media more well-rounded, honest, and respectful?" -- I know they can't really be separated as they're both part of our culture -- but I think media has a bigger impact on our daily lives than politicians. When it comes to the media, I'd love a chance to vote the bad actors out of office.

    Take care & God bless
    Anne / WF
