Sunday, March 17, 2019

In memory of Jesus

"Do this in remembrance of me." -- Jesus, basically the last thing he did before going to be arrested on capital charges
Sooner or later we all give some thought to our legacy. What will we leave behind? What will they remember about us? When will people think of us?

With Jesus, he asked us to continue remembering that his life wasn't all about himself: it was about his love for us. And that his love is the guarantee of our forgiveness.

Without forgiveness, a relationship becomes about perfection and expectations, and fear of being less-than, and dishonesty about who we really are. Without forgiveness, it's a matter of time before things become about excuse-making and finger-pointing and image-management. The quest for human connection and love, without forgiveness, becomes impossible for us. Multiply that by the billions of people in the world.

May I remember forgiveness every time I need it; may I remember forgiveness every time someone else needs it too.