Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A cheerful thought (personal)

Next year, April 1 2014 does not fall during Holy Week, or on the Resurrection, or on Easter Monday, or on anything else that I can foresee interfering with a seasonal post on that day. I have restrained myself in some years (like this one) and lost the opportune moment when a topic would have worked on that day. (One year I lost the opportunity to comment on the New-NIV; another year, on whether the Mormon Missionary Program was really a secret Tour de France training initiative. Oh well.) Here is hoping that nothing will stand in the way of a timely post next year. The date itself doesn't look to be a problem, next time around. :)


  1. I guess you are thinking about what to post already . . .

  2. Oh definitely. I find all kinds of things funny, & keep a mental list for April 1. :)
