Friday, December 31, 2010

Best of the Blogroll: 2010

This year again I'm keeping the tradition of closing out the old year by celebrating the best post(s) of the year from various blogs on my blogroll. Welcome to the Best of the blogroll, 2010 edition:
Please welcome to the blogroll starting in 2011 a long-overdue update to include Thin Places and The Pocket Scroll.


  1. Thanks. I'm always intrigued to see what (if anything) I write that others find interesting. You're also a more organized blogger than I am. I should develop some sort of meaningful blogroll. Hmmm.

  2. My blogroll is an odd mix of solid resources, voices from groups that I like to stay aware of, and people that I enjoy the fellowship of. There's some overlap, of course ...

    Take care & God bless
    Anne / WF

  3. Thanks for mentioning two of my posts!

  4. Thanks for blogging!

    Take care & God bless
    Anne / WF

  5. I am excited to join the illustrious ranks of this blogroll! And humbled. (MJ from The Pocket Scroll)
