Monday, December 15, 2008

Call for Nominations: Efforts in Christian reconciliation

For the upcoming Christian Reconciliation Carnival #14, I would like to solicit nominations of people who are working towards Christian reconciliation. In the upcoming Carnival, I will pass along a round-up of these nominations in order to give recognition and encouragement to those Christians working towards reconciliation. (Please note that a humble carnival organizer of a fairly disorganized carnival would *not* pass muster for a nomination. ;) )

I'd like to hear of as many people as you can call to mind who are out there doing the groundwork in Christian reconciliation. I would like to recognize efforts of people doing the following specific types of work:
  • Peacemakers: Those working towards a cease-fire in the ongoing flame-wars and those working to restore good will and open communications.
  • Hospitality: Those providing forums and creating environments of Christian fellowship across our divides
  • Building bridges: Those working across group lines on efforts of understanding each other and clarifying their differences
  • Rubbish removal: Those working within their own groups to remove logs from their own eyes.

Please note that, while you are welcome to nominate bloggers for their efforts, you are also welcome to consider the efforts of public figures or people you know in your own corner of the world.

If you would like to nominate someone for recognition, please do one of the following:
  1. Leave a comment on this post; or
  2. Write a post on your blog, and email a link; or
  3. email a nomination.
Please send any nominations before New Year's Eve. (Go ahead and send them this week. Otherwise it will slip off of the radar.) God willing, I'll ring in the New Year by recognizing the best reconciliation efforts of 2008. I have no intention of "picking a winner"; I intend to simply recognize the efforts of all those nominated (though I reserve the right to skip a nomination if it is obviously inappropriate).

Let me know who is doing efforts that you would like to recognize; please send in your nominations while the thoughts are fresh in your mind.

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