Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Resurrection with Moltmann

Jesus’ resurrection from the dead by God was never regarded as a private and isolated miracle for his authentication, but as the beginning of the general resurrection of the dead, i.e. as the beginning of the end of history in the midst of history. His resurrection was not regarded as a fortuitous miracle in an unchangeable world, but as the beginning of the eschatological transformation of the world by its creator. ...

For the Easter hope shines not only forwards into the unknown newness of the history which it opens up, but also backwards over the graveyards of history, and in their midst first on the grave of a crucified man who appeared in that prelude. (Jurgen Moltmann in The Crucified God. Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 1993, pp. 162-163)

This is the end of the Moltmann series, for those keeping track of such things.

Christ is risen!

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