Monday, March 03, 2008

2008 Trinity Blogging Summit

Nick Norelli had a bold idea: to call for and host an annual Trinity Blogging Summit. The 2008 Trinity Blogging Summit has now been posted at his blog. Because it was so deserving an idea, I was rash enough to submit a piece on Trinity / the doctrine of God with Father, Son, and Spirit from a Jewish (including New Testament) perspective. I had to cut back the final piece substantially to fit the length guidelines, so I may yet be posting individual sections here at their original, intended length (additional material included). I'm not sure if I maxed out anyone's heresiometer, but we'll find out.

May this be the first of many more summits to come!


  1. If you have a longer version that you'd like to see posted, I'll gladly post that as well. The word limits aren't that important. Pretty much everyone went over. Thanks again for participating!

  2. Hi Nick

    That's a very kind offer. If it didn't mean going to a previous draft and re-polishing, I'd probably take you up on it. But as it is, no problem, don't worry about it, I'll just polish up the longer versions one at a time and post them here.

    Great idea for a conference, btw. Thank you!
