Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Christian Reconciliation Carnival #3

Christian Reconciliation Carnival #3 is up at the Pacesetters Bible School Newsletter blog. Henry, our kind host of the month, has done a great job of pulling together the material. He has been a staunch supporter of this carnival from the beginning; please give him a read and (if you can spare it) a link.

Thanks again to all the bloggers working and praying for reconciliation.


  1. I left a similar comment on the carnival site, but I'd be happy/honored to host the carnival next month. Next week, I'll put up a notice and a topic for the month.


  2. Thank you, Mark! That's very much appreciated. I'll go ahead and put that in the Carnival box on my sidebar now, and I'll pass along the news here also when your announcement goes out.
